Blog: Opinions & Observations
"Separated" is Not "Divorced" - April 2014
April 22, 2014
by Anne C. LahrenSo your marriage is ending and you're eager to put the past behind you. Time for a rebound relationship!... or is it?For many reasons it is far better to abstain until after the divorce is final. It does not matter whether it was you or your spouse who initiated the separation or divorce action. In either scenario, things are more likely to remain civil and progress smoothly if you avoid bringing new romantic interests into the picture....
Read MoreA Gift from Congress for Small Businesses - March 2014
March 25, 2014
Included within the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014, which was passed by Congress on December 26, 2013 and signed by President Obama, is an amendment to the Small Business Act, which should be good news for contractors doing business with the federal government. Prior to this amendment, in a case of contracts for construction of any public facility exceeding $1,000,000, or $500,000 in a case of all other contracts, before any contract award,...
Read MoreJanuary 03, 2014
by Kristen R. Jurjevich.In forming a new business (whether an LLC, Corporation, etc.), often the focus lies on whether the name of the business passes muster with the State Corporation Commission (“SCC”). However, registering a business with the SCC merely gives one the right to do business in that particular state under that particular name. If you are interested in using a logo for your business or branding the goods or services that your business...
Read MoreJuly 19, 2013
by D. Rossen S. Greene.A person may end up sharing ownership of a piece of real property with others whom that person would rather not share anything. This situation can arise in any number of ways, but the most common is inheritance. For example, a person may inherit a partial interest in a piece of real property and not be able to get along with the other co-owners. When thorny issues arising from the co-ownership of real property cannot be negotiated...
Read MoreJune 19, 2013
Why do people pay extra for property “on the water”? Besides the ambience and the view, owning land in contact with the water of a river, bay, creek or ocean includes valuable riparian property rights. The Virginia Supreme Court in 2012 wrote:The littoral or riparian nature of property is often a substantial, if not the greatest, element of its value. This is true whether the owner uses his access to the sea for navigation, fishing, bathing, or the...
Read MoreProvisional Waivers for Unlawful Presence - April 2013
April 22, 2013
By Anne C. Lahren.Prior to March 4, 2013, there was no relief from within the United States for a alien immediate relative (such as a spouse, parent, or minor child) of a U.S. citizen who had previously entered without inspection (EWI), regardless of the hardship that such alien’s departure from the U.S. might cause the U.S. citizen immediate relative and family. Aliens who are EWI are ineligible to adjust status and must depart the U.S. and apply for an...
Read MoreApril 08, 2013
Wright v. Wright. The Wright case involved a divorce between a couple who had been married thirty (30) years. Mr. Wright is a well known attorney in the Richmond area with a successful practice. Mrs. Wright, while highly educated, had been a homemaker for over twenty (20) years. During the course of the divorce case, Mrs. Wright sought ongoing spousal support and also sought to have Mr. Wright refund monies he had taken from joint accounts to pay...
Read MoreMarch 06, 2013
By Kathryn N. Byler.During the 2013 session, the VA General Assembly unanimously passed a law against the financial exploitation of incapacitated persons making it a felony punishable with incarceration of between one and twenty years. This law touches on the growing concern of protecting the elderly without taking away their rights unnecessarily.Elderly persons who once were savvy community leaders may experience effects of dementia that leave them...
Read MoreSWaM Certification - December 2012
December 18, 2012
In 2006, Governor Kaine issued Executive Order 33 by which a 40% goal for the award of contracts for the procurement of goods and services by any agency of the Commonwealth was established. By Executive Order 33, the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise (“DMBE”) was given the responsibility for the certification of business enterprises as Small, Women Owned and Minority Owned business. Hence, the term “SWaM” was created. Since most...
Read MoreTo Give or Not To Give Before Dec. 31 - November 2012
November 02, 2012
For gifts made in 2012 and individuals dying in 2012, the estate tax exemption, gift tax exemption and generation-skipping transfer tax (“GSTT”) exemption are all $5,120,000 (less prior taxable gifts). This exemption applies to each donor/decedent. In addition, the surviving spouse of a decedent who died in 2011 or 2012 and who did not fully utilize his estate tax exemption can use his or her deceased spouse’s unused exemption (“DSUE”). This...
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